My Videos on YouTube

I’ve got a few different playlists on YouTube.
I’ve got some cooking videos.

I’m working on some fashion/makeup videos, including tips on how to choose clothes that fit our petite sizes, and living small hacks.
Back in the day I was creating Going Down, a Scuba Travel Series. Some of those videos are up there, and I plan on making some new ones. I’ve got a bunch of travel coming up!
I’ve got some Happy Expat videos. I’ve been an exchange student, and as an Aussie living in the US for so many years, I’ve been through all the stages of culture shock, and I’ve made some videos trying to help others go through them too.
And of course there’s a video tour of my boat, No Kids.

There’s a bunch of other random stuff on there, including some of my old acting stuff. Make sure you subscribe so that you see when I post new stuff up.